A year after its launch, Beats continues to improve the Beats Studio Pro headphones. The latest firmware update (version 2C301) adds a new feature called Audio Share for iPhone and iPad users.
This update follows the recent release of Beats’ Kim Kardashian partnership. If you’re not familiar with it, Audio Share is a feature that first appeared on AirPods and later made its way to Beats products. It lets you share your music or audio with a friend while they keep using their own AirPods or Beats headphones.
Here’s how you can use Audio Share:
- Wear your Beats Studio Pro and connect them to your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap the AirPlay button in the Now Playing screen, Lock Screen, or Control Center.
- Tap Share Audio below your headphones’ name.
- Bring your friend’s headphones close to your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap Share Audio on your device.
- Your friend should tap Join on their device.
You can adjust the volume for each person and even change noise control settings.
To get this feature, make sure your Beats Studio Pro is updated. The firmware updates automatically when your headphones are connected to your iPhone via Bluetooth. Just keep both devices charging together for at least 30 minutes.
To check the firmware version, go to Settings > Bluetooth, find your Beats, and tap the “i” next to them. If you’re using an Android phone, you can update through the Beats app.
If the update doesn’t install right away, you might need to wait until it happens automatically, as there’s no manual update option.
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